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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 10

Autor(i):Lawrence, David Herbert
Naslov:[The] Symbolic Meaning : the uncollected versions of 'Studies in Classic American Literature' / D. H. Lawrence ; edited by Armin Arnold, with a preface by Harry T. Moore
Impresum:New York : The Viking Press , 1962
Materijalni opis:xi, 240 str. ; 23 cm
Ključne riječi:engleski esej
Signatura:AN 820-4 LAW S
Inventarni broj:8317
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Autor(i):Lehan, Richard D.
Naslov:F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Craft of Fiction / Richard D. Lehan ; with a preface by Harry T. Moore
Impresum:Carbondale and Edwardsville : Southern Illinois University Press ; London and Amsterdam : Feffer and Simons : , 1967
Materijalni opis:xv, 206 str. ; 22 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Crosscurrents : Modern Critiques
Ključne riječi:američka književnost * književna kritika * Fitzgerald
Signatura:AN 820.09FITZGERALD LEH F
Inventarni broj:12084
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Autor(i):Bloom, Edward A.
Naslov:Willa Cather's Gift of Sympathy / Edward A. Bloom and Lillian D. Bloom ; with a preface by Harry T. Moore
Impresum:Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press , 1962
Materijalni opis:xii, 260 str. ; 22 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Crosscurrents Modern Critiques
Ključne riječi:američka književnost * književna kritika * Cather
Signatura:AN 820.09CATHER BLO W
Inventarni broj:13054
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Autor(i):Phelan, James
Naslov:Narrative as rhetoric : technique, audiences, ethics, ideology / James Phelan
Impresum:Columbus : Ohio State University Press , cop. 1996
Materijalni opis:xiv, 237 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:The theory and interpretation of narrative series
Napomena:2MUVF. - Str. 221: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:pripovijedanje * teorija pripovijedanja * teorija književnosti * književna teorija * diskurs * pripovjedni diskurs * Hemingway, E. * Woolf, V. * Thackeray, W. M.
Sažetak:Introduction. Narrative as rhetoric: reading the spells of Porter's "Magic". -PART ONE. NARRATIVE PROGRESSION AND NARRATIVE DISCOURSE: LYRIC, VOICE, AND READERLY JUDGMENTS. -Character and judgment in narrative and in lyric: toward an understanding of audience engagement in "The waves". -Gender politics in the Showman's discourse; or, listening to "Vanity fair". -Voice, distance, temporal perspective, and the dynamics of "A farewell to arms". -PART TWO. MIMETIC CONVENTIONS, ETHICS, AND HOMODIEGETIC NARRATION. -What Hamingway and a rhetorical theory of narrative can do for each other: the example of "My old man". -Reexamining reliability: the multiple functions of Nick Carraway. -Sharing secrets. -PART THREE. AUDIENCES AND IDEOLOGY. -Narratee, narrative audience, and second-person narration: how I-and you?-read Lorrie Moore's "How". -Narrating the PC Controversies: thoughts on Dinesh D'Souza's "Illiberal education". -Toward a rhetorical reader-response criticism: the difficult, the stubborn, and the ending of "Beloved". -Appendix. Why Wayne Booth can't get with the program; or, the intentional fallacy
Namjena :poslijediplomski studij književnosti
Signatura:82.0 PHE N
Inventarni broj:III-985, III-997, III-998
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Moore, Jerry D.
Naslov:Uvod u antropologiju : teorije i teoretičari kulture / Jerry D. Moore ; [prijevod Gordana V. Popović]
Impresum:Zagreb : Naklada Jesenski i Turk , 2002
Materijalni opis:377 str. : 21 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka antropologije i etnologije
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Visions of culture : an introduction to anthropological theories and theorists. - Bibliografija uz svako poglavlje. - Imensko i predmetno kazalo
Ključne riječi:Kultura -- Socijalnoantropološko gledište * sociologija kulture
Sažetak:Uvod: O čemu je riječ?. -PRVI DIO. -Utemeljitelji. -1. Edward Tylor: Razvoj kulture. -2. Lewis Henry Morgan: Razvoj društva. -3. Franz Boas: Kultura u kontekstu. -4. Emile Durkheim: Organsko društvo. -DRUGI DIO. -Priroda kulture. -5. Alfred Kroeber: Konfiguracija kulture. -6. Ruth Benedict: Obrasci kulture. -7. Edward Sapir: Kultura, jezik i pojedinac. -8. Margaret Med: Pojedinac i kultura. -TREĆI DIO. -Priroda društva. -9. Marcal Mauss: Elementarne kategorije, totalne činjenice. -10. Bronislaw Malinowski: Funkcije kulture. -11. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown: Strukture društva. -12. Edward Evans-Pritchard: Socijalna antropoloijga, socijalna povijest. -ČETVRTI DIO. -Evolucionističke, adaptacionističke i materijalističke teorije. -13. Leslie White: Nastanak evolucije. -14. Julian Steward: Kulturna ekologija i multilinearni razvoj. -15. Marvin Harris: Kulturni materijalizam. -Strukture, simboli i značenja. -17. Claude Lévi-Strauss. Strukturalizam. -18. Victor Turner: Simboli, hodočasnici i drama. -19. Clifford Geertz: Interpretativna antropologija. -20. Mary Douglas: Simboli i strukture, onečišćenje i čistoća. -21. James Fernendez: Igra tropâ. -Današnji prijepori. -16. Eleanor Burke LEacock: Feminizam, marksizam i povijest. -PETI DIO
UDK:316.7 : 572](075.8)
Namjena :poslijediplomski studij književnosti
Signatura:316.7 MOO U
Inventarni broj:III-1701
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Seikel, A. John ; Drumright, D.G.
Naslov:Anatomy and physiology for speech, language, and hearing / John A. Seikel, Douglas W. King, David G. Drumright ; illustrations and photography by Sarah Moore
Impresum:San Diego,Calif. [etc.] : Singular Publishing Group. , 1997
Materijalni opis:705 str. : ilustr. ; 26 cm + 1 cd disketa
Napomena:Bibliografija uz tekst. - How to use the instructional package. - Appendix od A do H. - Glossary. - Index
Ključne riječi:zbornik * fonetika * govor * jezik * artikulacijska fonetika * anatomija
Ostali autori / urednici:King, W.D.
Signatura:BF 612.78(063) SEI a C-674 CD-10
Inventarni broj:5400, 1451
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za fonetiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/fonetika

Autor(i):Seikel, A. John ; Drumright, D.G.
Naslov:Anatomy and physiology for speech, language, and hearing [Elektronička građa] / John A. Seikel, Douglas W. King, David G. Drumright ; illustrations and photography by Sarah Moore
Impresum:San Diego,Calif. [etc.] : Singular Publishing Group. , 1997
Materijalni opis:1 cd disketa : u bojama ; 12 cm
Napomena:Zahtjev sustava: PC (preporuča se Pentium 150. - Windows 95/98. - Internet Explore. - čitač CD-ROM-a. - Objavljeno i u tiskanom obliku. - How to use the instructional package
Ključne riječi:zbornik * fonetika * govor * jezik * artikulacijska fonetika * anatomija
Ostali autori / urednici:King, W.D.
Signatura:BF 612.78 SEI A CD-10
Inventarni broj:1451
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za fonetiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/fonetika

Autor(i):Aichele, George ; Fowler, Robert M. ; Pippin, Tina ; Burnett, Fred W. ; Jobling, David ; Wuellner, Wilhelm
Naslov:The postmodern Bible / the Bible and Culture Collective ; George Aichele ... [et al.]
Impresum:New Haven : Yale University Press , cop. 1995
Materijalni opis:iii, 398 str. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Str. 311-381: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:Biblija -- hermenutika * postmodernizam * Biblija -- interpretacija * Biblija i kulturna zajednica
Sažetak:Introduction: Toward transforming readings of the Bible ; Postmodernism ; Postmodernism and biblical studies ; The bible and culture collective. -1. Reader-response criticism: Reading the feeding stories in Mark ; Mapping reader-response criticism ; Critiquing the critic as rader ; The future of reading. -2. Structuralist and narratological criticism: Reading of biblical narratives ; Surveying the field ; A critique of structuralism ; Looking the future. -3.Poststructuralist criticism: Deconstruction and Derrida ; Biblical poststructuralism ; Deconstructin and reading ; Scriptural A/theology ; Foucault and history ; Reading the future. -4. Rhetorical criticism: Reading 1 Chorinthians ; The emergence of the new rhetoric ; A critical view of the new rhetoric ; Rhetoric and religion ; The new rhetorical criticism of the Bible ; Rereading 1 Corinthians ; The future of rhetorical criticism. -5. Psychoanalytic criticism: Freud as religionist and biblical scholar ; Lacan as midrashist, biblical scholar, and theologian ; Psychoanalysis and feminism: Kristeva and Irigaray , Looking to the future. -6. Feminist and womanist criticism: Exemplary biblical readings ; Feminism, womanism, and the politics of interpretation ; History and pratice of feminist and womanist readings ; The future of feminist and womanist readings. -7. Ideological criticism: Defining ideology and ideological criticism ; Ideological criticism and the Bible: cracking the singualr voice ; the ideological stances of liberation hermeneutics ; Decolonizing Exodus and Conquest: readings in tension ; Mark and materialism: readings in tension ; The discourses of resestance. -Postscript
Ostali autori / urednici:Castelli, Alizabeth A. ; Moore, Stephen D. ; Phillips, Gary A. ; Schwartz, Regina M
Signatura:22 POST
Inventarni broj:07/215
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Moore, A. D. ; Taylour, W. D.
Naslov:The Temple Complex / A. D. Moore, W. D. Taylour
Impresum:[Oxford] : Oxbow books , [cop.1999]
Materijalni opis:131 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Well built Mycenae : The Helleno-British Excavations Within the Citadel at Mycenae, 1959-1969 /W. D. Taylour, E. B. French, K. A. Wardle ; fascicule 10
Napomena:Str. 119-129: Bibliografija
Ključne riječi:Mikena * kult * zmija * glinene figure-antropomorfne
Signatura:904 MOORE tem
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za arheologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/arheologija

Naslov:Neuropsychology of memory / edited by Larry R. Squire and Nelson Butters
Izdanje:2nd ed
Impresum:New York ; London : Guilford , cop. 1992
Materijalni opis:620 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:amnezije * neuropsihologija * poremećaji pamćenja * pamćenje * pamćenje lijekovi
Sažetak:Section I. Studies of normal and abnormal memory in humans * A neuropsychological model of memory and consciousness / Morris Moscovitch * What are the functional deficits that underlie amnesia? / Andrew R. Mayes * The role of fluency in the implicit and explicit task performance of amnesic patients / Laird S. Cermak and Mieke Verfaellie * Awareness, automaticity, and memory dissociations / Jeffrey P. Toth, D. Stephen Lindsay, and Larry L. Jacoby * Memory dissociations: A cognitive psychophysiology perspective / Russell M. Bauer and Mieke Verfaellie * Selective knowledge loss in activational and representational amnesias / Elkhonon Goldberg and William B. Barr * The contributions of emotional and motivational abnormalities to cognitive deficits in alcoholism and aging / Marlene Oscar-Berman * The problem of "localizing" memory in focal cerebrovascular lesions / D. Yves von Cramon and Hans J. Markowitsch * Learning and memory in humans, with an emphasis on the role of the hippocampus / Raymond P. Kesner, Ramona O. Hopkins and Andrea A. Chiba * Functional significance of etiological factors in human amnesia / Alan J. Parkin * The "new" and the "old": Components of the anterograde and retrograde memory loss in Korsakoff and Alzheimer patients / Michael D. Kopelman * Transient global amnesia / Mark Kritchevsky * Detecting amnesia's impostors / Jason Brandt * Systems of motor skill / Daniel B. Willingham * Impaired priming in Alzheimer's disease: Neuropsychological implications / David P. Salmon and William C. Heindel * The mobilization of procedural learning: The "key signature" of the basal ganglia / J. A. Saint-Cyr and A. E. Taylor * Procedural and declarative learning: Distinctions and interactions / Mary Jo Nissen * The assessment of memory disorders in patients with Alzheimer's disease / Marilyn S. Albert and Mark B. Moss * Degraded knowledge representations in patients with Alzheimer's disease: Implications for models of semantic and repetition priming / Alex Martin * Semantic memory dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease: Disruption of semantic knowledge or information-processing limitation? / Robert D. Nebes * A transfer-appropriate processing account for memory and amnesia / Peter Graf and Karen A. Gallie * Age-related changes in explicit and implicit memory / Hasker P. Davis and Patricia A. Bernstein * Aging and memory: A model systems approach / Paul R. Solomon and William W. Pendlebury * Cholinomimetic therapy in Alzheimer's disease / Leon J. Thal * A strategy for studying memory disorders in multiple sclerosis / William W. Beatty * Posttraumatic and retrograde amnesia after closed head injury / Harvey S. Levin, Matthew A. Lilly, Andrew Papanicolaou and Howard M. Eisenberg * Implicit memory and errorless learning: A link between cognitive theory and neuropsychological rehabilitation? / Alan D. Baddeley * Rehabilitation and memory disorders / Barbara A. Wilson Section II. Studies of monkeys and rodents * The components of the medial temporal lobe memory system / Stuart Zola-Morgan and Larry R. Squire * The role of the hippocampus-fornix-mammillary system in episodic memory / David Gaffan * A hypothesis on primal long-term memory: Neurophysiological evidence in the primate temporal cortex / Yasushi Miyashita, Han Soo Chang and Koichi Mori * Aging, memory, and cholinergic systems: Studies using delayed-matching and delayed-nonmatching tasks in rats / Stephen B. Dunnett * The aging septo-hippocampal system: Its role in age-related memory impairments / David S. Olton and Alicja L. Markowska * Neuromodulatory systems and the regulation of memory storage / James L. McGaugh * Modulation of memory processing: Enhancement of memory in rodents and humans / Paul E. Gold * Toward a comprehensive account of hippocampal function: Studies of olfactory learning permit an integration of data across multiple levels of neurobiological analysis / Tim Otto and Howard Eichenbaum * The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in learning and memory: An animal model approach / Gordon Winocur * Role of diencephalic lesions and thiamine deficiency in Korsakoff's amnesia: Insights from animal models / Philip J. Langlais * Thiamine deficiency as an animal model of diencephalic amnesia / Robert G. Mair, John K. Robinson and Susan M. Koger * Emotional memories in the brain / Joseph LeDoux * Analysis of aversive memories using the fear-potentiated startle paradigm / Michael Davis * Memory: A behavioristic and neuroscientific approach / Garth J. Thomas and J. M. Ordy * Beyond neuronal excitability: Receptive field analysis reveals that association specifically modifies the representation of auditory information / Norman M. Weinberger * Knowledge structures in temporally adaptive conditioned responding / John W. Moore Section III. Studies in birds and invertebrates * Memory, the hippocampus, and natural selection: Studies of food-storing birds / David F. Sherry * Studying stages of memory formation with chicks / Mark R. Rosenzweig, Edward L. Bennett, Joe L. Martinez, Jr., Paul J. Colombo, Diane W. Lee and Peter A. Serrano * On chicks and rosetta stones / Steven P. R. Rose * Molecular interrelationships between short- and long-term memory / Timothy E. Kennedy, Robert D. Hawkins and Eric R. Kandel * Analysis of short- and long-term enhancement produced by one-trial conditioning in Hermissenda: Implications for mechanisms of short- and long-term memory / Terry J. Crow * Snails' tales: Initial comparisons of synaptic plasticity underlying learning in Hermissenda and Aplysia / Gregory A. Clark and Erin M. Schuman
APA CC:2520
Ostali autori / urednici:Squire, Larry R. ; Butters, Nelson
Signatura:2520 92 NEU
Inventarni broj:9611
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Moore A. D. )
